11 клас

01.04.2020 Улюблений фільм . Дієприкметник  .
1. Завести новий зошит , записати дату .
2. Виконати впр. 9 , ст.90 WB .
3. Прочитати текст (What Dreams May Come )  .

Essay on My favourite movie

One of my favourite pastimes, the one I have a particular liking for is going to the cinema.
Among different types of movies (like comedies, romantic dramas, adventures, police dramas or detective movies, psychological thrillers, horror movies or historical films) best of all I like detective movies and romantic dramas because most of such movies are interesting and full of life to me. But I also like good horror movies and I find them quite thrilling since my childhood.

But now I’d like to tell you about the movie that I find most pleasant to watch. It’s called “What Dreams May Come”. It is a 1998 American fantasy drama, starring Robin Williams. The film is based on the 1978 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson and was directed by Vincent Ward.
It’s a beautiful story about a married couple. Chris (Robin Williams) and Annie (Annabella Sciorra) play husband and wife. They met by chance and fell in love immediately. They have two wonderful kids and a marriage full of love and life. But tragically, one day their kids are taken from them in a car accident. They hold on to their lives and fight the sorrow, but one day, four years later, Chris's life is also taken. He ends up in Heaven, but can't accept his fate. A guide is sent to him, in the form of his friend Albert (Cuba Gooding Jr.). Albert leads Chris on a journey through Heaven. In the real world, Annie can't handle Chris's death, and she kills herself and ends up in Hell. Chris must go on a journey to find her, and save her from an eternity of suffering.

This movie hits all the right chords. It makes you laugh and cry at times. The love Chris has for Annie is stronger than anything you have ever seen. He's willing to lose his mind, and spend all eternity in Hell with her, with neither of them recognizing the other because they are soul mates, destined to be together for all the time. This movie is hard to explain in any other way. The journey Chris goes through is remarkable, but the real star of this film is the visuals.
From the opening shot to the closing frame, it is magnificent. The story is enveloping encompassing nearly every asset of human emotion. It's a roller–coaster ride but rewarding. Comedy, hope, sadness, joy, elation, despair... all displayed perfectly.

It’s a story about everlasting love and dreams that always come true.

4. Позначити речення true(t) , false(f) .
a) The author has enjoyed watching horror films since he was a child .
b) Richard Matheson is the main character of the movie he likes . 
c) Their kids died of a covid-19 .
d) Chris wants to be with his wife Annie in Hell . 
e) The author likes the ending of the film . ]
f) It's a love story . 
5. Опрацювати таблицю впр.1 , ст.100 .

6. Виконати вправу 6,7 ,ст.182 .

03.04. Театральні програми та афіші . 
1. Прочитати афіші на ст.187 - 188 , вибрати виставу , яку б хотіли побачити . 
Обгрунтувати вибір .
2. Встановити відповідність . ( до ст.187-188 ) .
a) This performance is a jewel in the National's crown . 
b) This musical play is adapted for smaller ensemble by Terry Davis .
c) It combines the modern and the classic .
d) It is a masterpiece of love and mystery which shows a favish wedding celebration .
e) You can have 3 hours of high musical pleasure .
f) It is staged for the first time in London . 
3.  Заповнити пропуски у реченнях . ( WB впр.11 , ст.92 ) .
4. Виберіть правильну форму дієприкметника 
1) The girl(writing , written ) on the blackboard is our best pupil .
2) The house ( surrounding , surrounded ) by tall trees is very beautiful .
3) The exercises ( doing , done ) by the pupils were easy .
4) The floor ( washing , washed ) by Helen looked very clean .
5) We listened to the folk songs ( singing , sung ) by them .
6) His hat ( blowing , blown ) off by the wind was lying in the street 

08.04. Рецензія на улюблений фільм.
1. Сomplete the text putting the words into correct forms.(WB ex.2, p.95).
2. Writing reviews.
   Reviews- brief descriptions of books, films, CDs, TV programmes.
   * They can be formal or semi- formal in style.
    * We use present tenses to make the description lively.
    *A review consists of: a) an introduction( the title, the type, the author or director,                                          the theme ,main characters);
                                         b) a body( the director, acting, cast, main characters, plot,                                                 sound effects, special effects, music, good/ bad points of                                                  the    film);
                                          c) a conclusion(a general assessment, a recommendation)
3. Match review parts with their contents.(ex.2, p.192)
4. Put the parts of the review into the correct order. (ex.3, p.192)
5. Write a review of a film you have seen. Use the expressions of ex.4, p.193.

10.04. Кінонагороди .Підсумковий урок .Самостійна робота . 
1. Complete the text with the participle forms of the verbs (ex.2 ,p.195) .
2. Answer 7 questions after the letter . (ex.3 , p.197) .
3. Complete the texts with the words from the box (ex.1 ,p.200).
4. Read the reviews and match .(ex.4,p.201-202 ).

15.04. Молодь і суспільство. Повторення часів групи Simple.
1.Write down new words into your vocabularies. p.207
2. Read and translate the texts. (p.204-206)
3. Match the questions (1-8) with the texts (A-F). ex.2, p.204
4. Refer each person to the appropriate question.(ex.3, p.206)
5. Match the words with their definitions.(ex.4b, p.207)

17.04. Працевлаштування молоді.
1. Read the text and do the test after it. (WB ex.1a, p.97-98)
2. Do exercise 1b,page98-99. (WB)
3. Write the new words into your vocabularies. (ex.1,2,p.208-209)
4. Read and match. (ex.1, p.208)
5. Write the antonyms to the adjectives. (ex.3, p.209)

22.04. Проблеми молоді. Емоційна зрілість.
1. Classify the emotions as positive or negative. (WB ex.5, p.100-101)
2. Give advice to those young men. (WB ex.7, p.102)
3. Read grammar links. (p.210-211)
4. Choose the correct verb form. (ex.2, p.211)
5. Complete the sentences. (ex.3, p.212)

24.04. Уміння керувати емоціями. Неособові форми дієслова.
1. Listen to the song. (p. 214) https://youtu.be/d-diB65scQU
2. Put the list of problems in order of importance. (ex.1, p.215)
3. Read the text and answer the questions after it. (p.215-216)
4. Use the phrases and describe a typical teenager. (ex.3, p.216)
5. Complete the sentences using the correct verb form. (ex.5,p.212)

29.04. Moлодіжні організації та громади в Україні та світі.
1. Готуєте текст на говоріння. p.228/ 200/196/169/165/ або власний з тем.
2. Read about youth organisations in Ukraine and GB.
3. Write a quiz to the text.
4. Complete the letter with Infinitive or Gerund forms of the verbs.(ex.2, p.220)
5. Choose one of the organisations and give a short presentation of it. (ex.4, p.221)

06.05. Контроль навички аудіювання .
Чистий подвійний листок підпишіть зверху англ. : ім'я , прізвище , клас
Всередині запишіть дату і вид контролю : Listening Comprehension Test .
Напишіть назву тексту :Canada .
Спишіть умову 1-шого завдання з реченнями .
I. Listen and match true or false .
1. Canada is the world's third largest country .
2. It is washed by 3 oceans .
3. Eskimos and Indians inhabit Canada too .
4. The federal capital is Toronto .
5. Canada is a federal state .
II. Choose the correct ending .
1. It occupies the ...
a) northern part of the South America
b) eastern part of the North America .
c) northern part of the North America .
2. The total are is ...
a) 10 sq km  .
b) 100 mln sq km.
c)10 mln sq km.
3. One of the most splendid sights in the world is...
a) the Niagara River .
b) the Niagara Falls .
c) Lake Ontario .
4. The most highly developed industry is ...
a) machine - building .
b) hydroelectric .
c) chemical .
5. The members of the Federal Parliament are appointed by ...
a) the Prime Minister .
b) the Governor- General .
c) the Queen of England .
III. Answer the questions .
1)  How many per cent of the world's fresh water does Canada have ?
2) Who is the leading figure in the political life of the country ?
Завдання  сфотографуйте і закиньте на електронну пошту  протягом дня 
( 6 травня)  teachernatalya@urk.net . Контрольні роботи  з аудіювання , читання і письма передавайте класному керівнику до кінця травня  . Говоріння запишіть , як відео на телефон і закиньте на електронку .

08.09. Контроль читання. 
1.Підпишіть подвійний листок зверху.
2. Запишіть дату і вид контролю всередині листка.
Reading Comprehension Test
I. Choose the correct answer to the texts .   

Favorite Cities: Steven Taylor asked five readers to tell about their favorite cities.

George, Athens

The majority of annual visitors to Greece arrive on package tours to the Greek islands and rarely get the opportunity to explore the sights of Athens, which is a pity because despite the noise and traffic jams, it is one of the most exciting and fascinating cities in Europe. To make sure you get to see the most important sights, you can book a city tour at a very reasonable price. However, it is always wise to pre-book tours of Athens, especially if you are going to come in August. There is a wealth of scenery to enjoy in the surrounding countryside, too, so try to take in other one-day excursions out of the city. At the heart of the city, nestled at the foot of the Acropolis, is the Plaka, the oldest and most picturesque neighborhood in Athens. Overlooked by the glorious temple of the Parthenon, it is a maze of narrow streets running in all directions around the Acropolis.

Richard, Rio de Janeiro

If I had the choice of any city in the world in which to live, it would be Rio. It is one of the most romantic cities in the world, blessed with a wonderful sunny climate you can count on and a breathtaking coastline. Rio is undoubtedly one of those favored places in the world whose names have a universal romantic appeal. The effect Rio has on the visitor is unforgettable. It is set in a stunning location surrounded by lush green vegetation and the sea. Central Rio lies on the western shore of the bay with world-famous Sugar Loaf Mountain standing guard to the natural harbor, while to the west is Copacabana, that stretch of brilliant white sandy beach that to the locals is without equal. A blend of European and South American culture, Rio is the highlight of any visit to Brazil.

John, Venice

Italian cities are famed for their history and culture, but to many people Venice is unquestionably one of the finest cities in the world. Constructed on an archipelago of 18 small islands separated by a dense network of waterways, Venice is geared to accommodating the millions of tourists who flock here annually. Known locally as “The Queen of the Adriatic”, Venice is best seen by water. Relax as you wind your way along the Grand Canal past incredible facades of Gothic and Renaissance palaces and magnificent churches below the elegant Rialto Bridge. Go sightseeing around the numerous palaces and take in the wonderful architectural heritage. Venice today still looks much as it did in the 13th century, with the exception of a few transformations to some buildings. Crowded throughout the summer months, reasonably priced accommodation is almost impossible to find, so an advance booking is essential.

Emma, Barcelona

The weather can make or break a holiday but in the Catalonian capital in the summer months, rest assured that the sun will shine each day. I can’t imagine anyone not loving Barcelona. It is a stylish, cosmopolitan city with the romantic Mediterranean on its doorstep. Visitors should take every opportunity to sample the wonderful cuisine as well as the famous Catalonian hospitality (and will no doubt wish they had more time to explore the city). Despite the rapidly-changing skyline of the modern city, which reflects the present age, it remains an enchanting place. For the culturally minded, there are a great many museums, custodians of a unique historical and cultural heritage. Among the most popular with an international reputation is the Picasso Museum, which houses many of the painter’s works and hosts many traveling exhibitions.

Anna, Warsaw

Warsaw is a city steeped in history. Situated on the banks of the Vistula River, Warsaw gets its name from Wars, a fisherman, and Sava, a mermaid he rescued. Fortunately, despite its almost total destruction in the 1940’s, Warsaw is teeming with places of interest. The Old City, which has been restored, centers on the medieval market square near the river and is surrounded by Renaissance and Baroque houses. A must for all visitors is the Palace of Culture and Science, which affords a panoramic view of the entire city. Also well worth visiting in Lazienki Park is the Palace on Water built in the 18th century as the summer palace of Stanislas II Augustus, the last king of Poland.

1.George says that most visitors to Greece want to see:
a) The Parthenon; b) The Plaka; c) The Greek Islands; d) Delphi.
2. Problems the tourist may experience in Athens include:
a) Crowds and noise; b) Noise and traffic; c) Pollution and crowds; d) Long lines.
3. According to George, the busiest tourist month in Athens is in:
a) May; b) June; c) July; d) August.
4. From his description of it, you should probably visit the Plaka:
a) With a car; b) With a tour; c) On foot; d) After visiting the Greek Islands.
5. A major attraction of Rio is:
a) Carnival; b) The food; c) The climate; d) The beaches.
6. Richard says that Rio is considered:
a) Inexpensive; b) romantic; c) Tropical; d) European.
7. From Rio, you will be able to see:
a) A beautiful mountain; b) World-famous statues and monuments; c) Beautiful women sunbathin; d) The famous plaza full of musicians and dancers.
8. From this article, you could conclude that:
a) Spain is a warm and sunny country; b) The capital of Catalonia is Barcelona;
c) Barcelona has beautiful beaches; d) Barcelona has not changed since the Renaissance.
9.From this article, you might conclude that an archipelago is:
a) A lot of islands; b) A city surrounded by canals; с) An Italian island; d) A city built on islands.
10. Visitors to Warsaw will be surprised because:
a) It is named after a fisherman; b) It has been rebuilt after the Second World War; c) You can walk from the Old City to the New City over the Vistula; d) You can see a real king in the Palace on Water.

13.05. Ukraine- an independent state.
Говоріння знімаєте на камеру і відправляєте на email, Viber!!!
Підсумкова к/р+Writing 14.05!!!
1. Write down new words. (p.230)
2. Read, translate the text. (ex.2, p.228-229)
3. Complete the sentences. (ex.3, p.229)
4. Read and match the description with new words. (ex.4, p.230)

14.05. Підсумкова контрольна робота .
-   Підпишіть подвійний листок :
English Final Test 
Yaroslav Ignatenko
Form 11
School of Lobachivka 
- Всередині запишіть дату повністю англійською 
                   Writing Comprehension Test
- Умову кожного завдання списуєте і виконуєте завдання .
I. Complete the text with the words from the box .

II.. Choose the Gerund  , the Present Participle or the Infinitive of the verbs .
1. I have stopped (read) the Daily News and have decided (read ) the Daily Mirror instead .
2. Try (solve ) the puzzle in today's paper without (look) at the answers .
3. Do you remember (see) an advertisement for the new house ?
4. I saw a woman (run) along the street and (wave) happily .
5. Do you enjoy (watch) horror films ?
6. Let me ( help) you (do) the project .
III. Match the words . Complete the sentences with the word combinations . 
human                 stereotypes       
healthy                behaviour
cultural               understanding
inaccurate           societies
mutual                conflicts
minimise            misunderstandings

IV. Write a composition on the topic . 
1. My favourite film .
2. How to be a good citizen ?
3. Save our precious planet .
Контрольну здати сьогодні до 12:00.

15.05. Контроль навички говоріння.
Вивчений текст розповідаєте протягом дня !!!
Відео відправляєте на посилання подані раніше, де вказані сторінки текстів для вивчення. (06.05)

20.05.The Constitution of Ukraine.

Topic 2 The Constitution of Ukraine.

Governed by --- керуючись
To adopt --- приймати
To assure --- гарантувати, забезпечувати
sovereign --- суверенний
single citizenship --- єдине громадянство
anthem --- гімн
banner --- стяг
stripe --- смуга
obligation --- обов‘язок
restriction --- обмеження
gender --- стать
origin --- походження
ownership --- майновий стан
to guarantee --- гарантувати
inviolability --- недоторканість
dwelling --- житло
medical care --- медична допомога
insurance --- страхування
to specify --- точно визначити
branch --- галузь
legislative --- законодавчий
executive --- виконавчий
judicial --- судовий
Supreme Court --- Верховний Суд
suffrage --- виборче право
law drafting work --- законопроектна робота
voter --- виборець
to exercise --- здійснювати, виконувати
Lexical Exercises
    1. Match the given English noun phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:
  1. sovereign state
  2. single citizenship
  3. anthem and banner
  4. equal rights
  5. democratic freedoms
  6. full development
  7. personality
  8. gender and origin
  9. place of residence
  10. medical care
  11. ownership
  12. law drafting work
  13. taxes and duties
  14. executive power
15. obligation
1.законопроектна робота
2.місце проживання
3.податки і збори
4.медична допомога
5.виконавча влада
6.єдине громадянство
8.гімн і стяг
9.майновий стан
10.стать і походження
  1. особистість
  2. всебічний розвиток
  3. суверенна держава
  4. рівні права
15.демократичні свободи
    1. Match the given verbs and English verbal phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:
  1. to assert
  2. to exercise
  3. to guarantee the rights
  4. to state
  5. to adopt the document
  6. to specify the structure
  7. to establish
  8. to fulfill programs
  9. to assure
  1. приймати документ
  2. гарантувати, забезпечувати
  3. здійснювати програми
  4. встановлювати
  5. гарантувати права
  6. затверджувати
  7. заявляти, констатувати
  8. точно визначати структуру
  9. здійснювати, виконувати
    1. Give English equivalents for the words and word combinations given belowнедоторканість, виборець, виборче право, затверджувати, законодавча галузь, судова влада, привілеї, житло, здійснювати, обмеження, точно визначати, керуючись, страхування, податки, гарантувати.
    1. Translate the following words and word combinations:
to adopt the Constitution, to assure rights, freedoms and duties, to have obligations, to pay taxes and duties, governed by the law, based upon colour of skin, monetary unit, single citizenship, state symbols, the right to free choice of residence, the head of the executive power, universal, equal and direct suffrage, the environment, voter, secret ballot, personal inviolability.
    1. Read and translate the text.
The Constitution of Ukraine
Governed by the Act of Ukraine’s Independence of August 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Constitution on June 28, 1996.
The Constitution consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles.
It establishes the country’s political system, assures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens.
The Constitution asserts that Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, legal state with single citizenship.
The state language is Ukrainian.
The capital is Kyiv.
The monetary unit is Hryvna.
The State Symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag, the State Emblem and the State Anthem. The State Flag is a blue and yellow banner made of two horizontal stripes.
The Constitution states that every person has the right to free and full development of his/her personality and has obligations before the society. Citizens have equal Constitutional rights and freedoms, and they are equal before the law. There are no privileges or restrictions based upon colour of skin, gender, social origin, place of residence, ownership, language, religion.
The articles of the Constitution guarantee the rights to life, work, rest, education, free choice of residence, personal inviolability and inviolability of dwelling, medical care and medical insurance, safe and healthy environment.
Defence of the Motherland is the duty of citizens. No person may damage the environment. Every person shall pay taxes and duties.
The Constitution specifies the structure of the national government, its powers and duties. The powers are divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.
There are 450 people’s deputies in the Verkhovna Rada. They are elected for a term of 4 years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The main function of the Verkhovna Rada is making laws. Law drafting work is performed by its Committees.
The President is the head of the executive power. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of 5 years with no more than 2 full terms. The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It fulfills national programs on the economic, scientific, social and cultural development of Ukraine.
Justice in Ukraine is exercised by courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court of general jurisdiction in the country. The Constitutional Court is the sole body of constitutional jurisdiction in the state.
The day of the adoption of the Constitution is celebrated as a state holiday.
Comprehension Questions:
1. When was Ukraine proclaimed an independent state?
2. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase “a sovereign state”?
4. What does the Constitution establish?
5. What objects of the property right of Ukrainian people do you know?
6. What are the state symbols of Ukraine?
7. What does the Constitution state?
8. What do the articles of the Constitution guarantee?
9. Which duties of Ukrainian citizens do you know?
10. Who is the head of the state?
11. How long is his term of office?
12. What are the three branches of power in the country?
13. What is the task of each of them?
14. How many articles and chapters does the Constitution consist of?
15. How do Ukrainian people celebrate the Constitution Day?

22.05. The political system of the USA
1. Get acquainted with the USA political system.http://apt-gracheva.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-political-system-of-usa.html
2. Match the words with their definitions.(WB ex.2, p.113)
3. Revise Infinitive, Gerund, Participle.https://youtu.be/NDLBWf7UfIM
4. Group the sentences into 3 columns.(ex.2,p.234)
5. Complete using non - finite forms of the verb.(ex.3, p.234)

27.05. Міжнародні організації. Підсумковий урок.
1. Do the quiz about the Coucil of Europe. (WB p.118- 119)
2. Write the acronyms of international organisations. (WB ex.9, p.119)
3. Read and express your opinion. (WB ex.10, p.120)
4. Complete the sentences. (WB ex.1, p.122-123)

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