Географічне розташування.
1. Завести новий зошит. Записати дату.
2. Записати слова у словник (впр.2 с, ст.182).
3. Виконати
впр.2 а, в,ст.182.
4. Прочитати,
перекласти текст (впр.3,ст.184).
5. Встановити
відповідність (WB
впр.2, ст.91).
6. Нанести
на карту країни Великобританії, позначити столиці ( WB впр.1,
7. Позначити речення true(T), false(F). Впр.4,
02.04. Англія - найбільша країна Великобританії .
Conditional I .
1. Відповісти на запитання
впр.6 , ст.186 .
2. Прочитати текст впр.7 ,
ст.186 і перевірити відповіді у попередньому завданні .
3. Утворити запитання і
відповісти на них письмово впр.8 , ст.187 .
4. Встановити відповідність .
WB впр.4 , ст.92 .
5. Утворити підрядні речення
реальної умови.( Повторити конспекти у зошитах ).
If + Present Simple , Future Simple 08.04 . Частини Об'єднаного Королівства Британії . Аудіювання .
1.Match the countries and their capitals . ( ex.3a,b , p,189 ) .
2. Listen to the information about the UK . Match the place with the country and the pictures . (ex.3c , p.189 ) .https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwXhjtj9eqT4N3dTZEpsSG9WU2M ( аудіододаток 9 клас p.189 ) .
3. Listen again and complete the table ( ex.3d , p.190 ) .
4. Put the verbs into Past Simple or Past Continuous ( ex. , p.192 ) .
( Use grammar material of p.254 ) .
5. Choose the right answers .( WB ex.5 , p.193 ) .
09.04. Шотландія . Past Simple
and Past Continuous .
1. Watch a presentation on Scotland . https://naurok.com.ua/prezentaciya-na-temu-scotland-a-country-in-a-country-8---11klasi-4911.html .
2. Write down some information about Scotland into your copybooks .
3. Circle the correct answer to find out how much you know about Scotland
(WB ex.9 , p.95) .
4. Match the parts of the sentences .(ex.5a ,p.191)
5. Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous .
1. Listen to the text and choose the right ending . ( ex.4a , p.190) . https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwXhjtj9eqT4MHZmUS1tTC05R0k
2. Listen again and complete the sentences . (ex.4b ,p.190) .
3. Revise Past Simple and Past Perfect (p.254-255) .
4. Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs .(ex.3 , p.193) .
16.04. Країни Великобританії. Способи вираження майбутньої дії.
1. Look at the factfiles and compare the countries of the UK. (ex.1,p. 194- 195)
2. Do the test.
Which of them... 1)has the largest population?
2) has the smallest population?
3) has a national day in spring?
4) has a national day in autumn?
5) has a blue and white flag?
6) has a red, green, white flag?
7) has a white and red flag?
8) has a national symbol shamrock?
9) has a national symbol red rose?
10) has a national day St. Patrick's?
11) has a patron saint David?
12) celebrates St. Andrew's Day?
3. Use the Word Map and prepare the presentation of the UK. (ex.2, p.195)
4. Revise ways of expressing future actions. http://poradu24.com/english/sposobi-virazhennya-majbutnogo-chasu-v-anglijskij-teoriya-i-vpravi.
5. Complete the sentences using the forms to express future actions.
1) I don't want a steak. I think I------have the chicken.
2) There's a fireworks display tomorrow. We-----to watch it.
3) The European heads of state-----meet in Brussels on 3 October.
4) My birthday------on Sunday next year.
5) Be careful with that plate! You-----break it.
6) I -----go to the disco on Saturday evening.
22.04. Культурне розмаїття Великобританії.
1. Watch a video about Wales. https://youtu.be/O0-JTcOEpNQ
2. Read the factfile about Wales. (ex.3b, p.197)
3. Do the quiz. (ex.3a, p.196)
4. Ask questions about Wales. (ex.4, p.198)
5. Fill in the gaps. (WB ex.7, p.94)
23.04. Вражаюча Великобританія. Аудіювання.
1. Listen and write out the things Cathy and Mark mention. (ex.5a, p.198)
2. Listen again. Put them in the correct order.9(ex.5b, p.198-199)
3. Read and number the sentences to make up a dialogue between A and B. (ex.6, p.199)
4. Fill in the blanks with Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple, be going to.
1) The phone is ringing. I------(answer) it.
2) He-----(start) a new job next week.
3) ''What-----(you/do) tomorrow morning? ''
4) ------the film (begin) at3:30 or 4:30?
5) Sue------(come) to see us tomorrow. She-----(travel) by train and it -----(arrive) at 10:20.
6) I don't want to go out alone.-----(you/ come) with me?
29.04. Міста Великобританії. Лондон.
1. Готуйте текст на говоріння. p.201/197/186-187/184/150+151/147-148/122-123.
2. Read, translate the text. (ex.1, p.201)
3. Answer the questions. (ex.1b, p.202)
4. Circle the statements T, F. (WB ex.1, p.103)
5. Complete the text with the words from the box. (WB ex.2, p.103)
30.04.Історичне минуле Лондона.
1. Read and match with people on page 204. (ex.2, p.203-204)
2. Answer the questions about London sights. (ex.3, p.204)
3. Match London's places of interest with their descriptions. (WB ex.3, p.105)
4. Choose the correct Present Simple Pasive or Past Simple Passive of the verbs. (ex.1, p.210)
06.04. Міста Великобританії . Бірмінгем .
1. Listen and complete the table . (ex.1 ,p.207) . https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwXhjtj9eqT4cmtGMXJ3bk5jX0k
2. Liten and complete the text . (WB ex.9 ,p.111) .https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwXhjtj9eqT4cmtGMXJ3bk5jX0k
3. Answer the questions (ex.2c ,p.208 )
4. Choose the correct form of the verb . (ex.2,p.211).
07.05. Міста Англії. Глазго.
1.Говоріння записуйте на камеру і закидайте на електронку: teachernatalya@ukr.net!!! або на Viber
2.Read the text(2) about Glasgow. htp://easy-english.com.ua/country-studies-corner-birmingham-glasgow/
3. Do the Glasgow quiz. (WB ex.10, p.113)
4. Match the sights with the capital cities of the UK. (WB ex.11, p.114)
5. Complete the dialogues with Past Simple Passive of the verbs. (ex.3, p.211)
13.05. Підсумкова контрольна робота .
1.Подвійний листок підпишіть зверху :
English Final Test
Bogdan Smichyk ( кожен пише своє )
Form 9
School of Lobachivka
2. Всередині листка запишіть дату повністю англ. мовою .
Writing Comprehension Test
(Умови завдань переписуєте і виконуєте повністю списуючи їх) .
І. Fill in the gaps using the words:
washed by , thanks to , consists of , separated by , linked with , located in , governed .
1) The UK ... four parts : England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .
2) The UK is ... the Atlantic Ocean .
3) The climate is mild ... the Gulf Stream .
4) Two islands are ... the Irish Sea .
5) There are several islands ... the UK but are not a part of it .
6) The UK is ... the north west of Europe .
7 ) The country is ... the parliament sitting in Westninster .
II. Make the Present Simple or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs .
1. English (speak) in Australia .
2. London (find) by the Romans ?
3. Birmingham Town Hall (not create) by William the Conqueror .
4. Mrs Smith's car (drive) by a chauffeur every day .
5. The pyramids (build) by the ancient Egyptians .
6. Canada (inhabit) by 25 million people .
III . Choose the correct answer .
1. Which of these symbols is not Welsh ?
a) the leek ; b) the rose ; c) the daffodil ; d) the red dragon ;
2. Edinburg is the capital of ...
a) England ; b) Scotland ; c) Wales ; d) Nothern Ireland ;
3 . John Lennon was a member of ... .
a) the Police; b) the Rolling Stones ; c) Beatles ;
4. Changing the Guard Ceremony takes place outside ...
a) Buckingham Palace ; b) the Houses of Parliament ; c) Madam Tussaud's ;
5. The Patron Saint of Northern Ireland is ...
a) St . George ; b) St.David ; c) St.Andrew ; d) St.Patrick;
6. The population of ... is 49 million .
a) Scotland ; b) England ; c) Wales ;
7. St.Patrick's Day Parade takes place in ... .
a) Belfast ; b) Edinburg ; c) Cardiff ;
8. Bagpipe is the national musical instrument of ...
a) England ; b) Scotland ; с) Wales ; d) Northern Ireland .
IV. Write the composition on one of the topics .
1) Save our precious planet !
2) London sights .
3) The UK .
14.05. Контроль навички читання
1. Подвійний листок підпишіть зверху :
Bogdan Lavreniuk
Form 9
2. Всередині листка запишіть дату повністю , англ.мовою .
Reading Comprehension Test
a middle-man - посередник
profit – прибуток
A rich businessman was on holiday in Mexico when a small
fishing boat docked nearby with just one man onboard. Inside the boat were
several large tasty-looking fish.
“ That’s quite a fine
catch” noted the businessman. “How long did it take you to pull those in?
“ Only a little while”, said the fisherman.
“So why don’t you stay out fishing longer and catch more
fish? “ said the rich man.
“ This is enough for my family”, replied the fisherman.
“But what do you do with the rest of your time?” asked the
The fisherman said, “ I sleep late, I fish a little, I spend
time with my wife and play with my children. Then I rest in the afternoon. In
the evening I visit the rest of my
family or meet my friends for a cup of
coffee. I have a full and busy life.”
The rich man smiled
ironically. “ I have a business degree from one of the best universities in the
world. I can help you. If you spend more time fishing, you can buy a bigger
boat with the money you make. With the
profits from the bigger boat you could buy several more boats until you have hundreds of them. Then instead of selling fish to a middle-man
you could sell the fish directly to the factory. Finally, you can set up your
own company and become a wealthy business owner.
Of course, you would have to leave this village by the sea
where you live and move to the capital and maybe to another country to manage
your business”
“ How long would all that take?” the fisherman wanted to
“ Oh, at least 15 years”, replied the businessman.
“ But what then?” asked the fisherman with interest.
The businessman laughed and said,” That’s the best part. When
the time is right, you can sell your company . You would become very rich. You
could make millions.”
“ Millions!” exclaimed the fisherman,” Then what?”
“ Then you may retire
to a little village by the sea”, said the businessman, “ where you could sleep
late, fish a little, spend time with your wife, play with your kids, then rest
in the afternoon. In the evening you could walk in the village and have a cup
of coffee with your friends. You see how wonderful things would be!”
I. Decide if the statements are false or true:
1. The story took place by the beach in Mexico.
2. The fisherman got a fine catch.
3. The businessman stayed out fishing with the
4. The fisherman caught enough fish for the needs of
his family.
5. The businessman talked to the fisherman with
6. If the fisherman had a goal to become very rich
he could really succeed.
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
7. A rich businessman was:
tour. c) on a boat.
holiday. d ) on a business trip.
8. There were … in the boat.
a ) a lot of large fish c
) several large fish
b) a few small fish d
) only two large fish
9. It took the fisherman …. to pull those fish.
time c) three hours
minutes d) a little while
10. The businessman suggested that the fisherman …
a) should stay fishing longer.
c) should sell the boat.
b) should never go fishing
again. d) should go home.
11. What didn’t the fisherman do for the rest of the day?
a) slept late. c)
spent time with his wife.
b) went to the university.
d) played with the
12. The fisherman had …..
a) many children. c)
a full and busy life.
b) many workers. d)
a hard and lonely life.
Контрольну передати сьогодні в школу до 12:00
20.05. Контроль навички аудіювання .
20.05. Контроль навички аудіювання .
1. Підписати листок подвійний, всередині записати дату, вид контролю. Умови завдань+1 завдання переписуєте повністю. Передаєте у школу до 11:00!!!
I.Listen to the text .
21.05. Контроль говоріння.
Вивчений текст розказати протягом дня+ 3 письмові роботи-в школу!!!
27.05. Підсумковий урок.
1. Пригадайте Present and Past Simple Passive. https://youtu.be/FvHKTbhBv1A
2. Виконайте вправи.
Exercise 1. Make up questions to the following sentences.
1. The manager is informed about your decision.
2. The manager was informed about your decision.
3. The manager will be informed about your decision.
4. The invoices are sent on Tuesday.
5. The invoices were sent on Tuesday.
6. The invoices will be sent on Tuesday.
7. The check is in the mail.
8. The check was in the mail.
9. The check will be in the mail.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the Present Simple Passive.
1. Management (need) whenever people work together in an organization.
2. Steel loses its value when it (store) for a long period of time.
3. Perishable goods (offer) for sale as quickly as possible.
4. Demand is inelastic when a good (regard) as a basic necessity.
5. Many personal wants (satisfy) indifferent ways
. 6. Better results (expect) soon.
7. Our employees (pay) weekly.
8. I really (irritate) by your manners!
9. The boss always (inform) about all the changes going on in the company.
10. The invoices always (mail) on Monday.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the Past Simple Passive.
1. Only 20 percent of the labor market (employ) in manufacturing.
2. The turnover increased when prices (low).
3. My car (break in) last week and my laptop (steal).
4. Josh (advise) to be more tolerant at the last meeting.
5. The meeting (attend) by sales representatives from all the regions.
6. The invoice (send) to you by my assistant last Friday.
7. Ms. Hernandez (invited) to explain her reasons for making the changes.
8. A current account (open) on May 12 th in the name of Will Sommers & Partners.
9. In 2012 the tax rate (reduce) based on double taxation treaty.
10. When (install) the new software?
Вивчений текст розказати протягом дня+ 3 письмові роботи-в школу!!!
27.05. Підсумковий урок.
1. Пригадайте Present and Past Simple Passive. https://youtu.be/FvHKTbhBv1A
2. Виконайте вправи.
Exercise 1. Make up questions to the following sentences.
1. The manager is informed about your decision.
2. The manager was informed about your decision.
3. The manager will be informed about your decision.
4. The invoices are sent on Tuesday.
5. The invoices were sent on Tuesday.
6. The invoices will be sent on Tuesday.
7. The check is in the mail.
8. The check was in the mail.
9. The check will be in the mail.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the Present Simple Passive.
1. Management (need) whenever people work together in an organization.
2. Steel loses its value when it (store) for a long period of time.
3. Perishable goods (offer) for sale as quickly as possible.
4. Demand is inelastic when a good (regard) as a basic necessity.
5. Many personal wants (satisfy) indifferent ways
. 6. Better results (expect) soon.
7. Our employees (pay) weekly.
8. I really (irritate) by your manners!
9. The boss always (inform) about all the changes going on in the company.
10. The invoices always (mail) on Monday.
Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the Past Simple Passive.
1. Only 20 percent of the labor market (employ) in manufacturing.
2. The turnover increased when prices (low).
3. My car (break in) last week and my laptop (steal).
4. Josh (advise) to be more tolerant at the last meeting.
5. The meeting (attend) by sales representatives from all the regions.
6. The invoice (send) to you by my assistant last Friday.
7. Ms. Hernandez (invited) to explain her reasons for making the changes.
8. A current account (open) on May 12 th in the name of Will Sommers & Partners.
9. In 2012 the tax rate (reduce) based on double taxation treaty.
10. When (install) the new software?
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