7 клас

31.03.2020 Похід до кінотеатру . Зворотні займенники
1. Завести новий зошит , записати дату .
2. Прочитати діалог ( впр. 4 , ст.150 ) .
3. Опрацювати опис фільму "Матриця" (впр.1 , ст.152 ) .

4. Написати розповідь про свій улюблений кінофільм за планом на ст.152 .
5. Вибрати правильний зворотній займенник . Виконати вправу у зошиті .

01.04.Похід до театру. В. Шекспір.
1. Встановити відповідність (WB впр.12, ст.77).
2.Доповнити текст дієсловами у Past Simple (WB впр.16, ст.80).
3.Виконати впр.17, ст.80 (WB).
4.Виконати тест. (впр.18 ,ст.81 WB).
5. Доповнити речення зворотніми займенниками.

03.04. Фільм був фантастичним 
1. Дайте відповідь на запитання з теми "Шекспір"  ( WB впр.18 , ст.81 ) .
2. Доповнити пропуски у діалозі . ( WB впр.14 , ст.78 ) .
3. Прочитати текст "River Phoenix" .

4. Відповісти на запитання до тексту . 
1) Which famous film did River Phoenix star in ?
2) Where was he born ? 
3) Where did he live when he was a child ? 
4) How old was he when he died ?
5) Where did he spend his last night ?
6) Where and why did he die ? 
7) Why did nobody help him ? 

07.04. Улюблений фільм. Підсумковий урок.
I.Complete the sentences with when, whose, which, where, who.
1)I went to Greece  --- I had a nice time.
2) We met a girl--- was from England.
3) Reality TV is a type of programme--- shows real people in real situations.
4) Viewers want to see ordinary people--- emotions and feelings are like theirs.
5) Autumn is the season--- we gather fruit and vegetables.
II. Choose the correct form of the verb.
   Last night I (went, was going) to see 'Shrek" at the cinema with my brother and my friend Kate. It( rained, was raining) and I(did not wear, was not wearing) my coat, so we (did not walk, were not walking) to town. We (took, were taking) a bus. Kate(waited, was waiting) for us when we (arrived, were arriving) at the cinema. The film was really good. It (did not rain, was not raining) when we came out,so we (walked, were walking) home. When we (got, were getting) home, my mum (cooked, was cooking) supper in the kitchen.
III. Guess and write the kind of film.
1) A film about cowboys in the USA.
2)A film that makes you feel afraid and shocked.
3) A film in which there are a lot of songs.
4) A film that makes you laugh.
5) A film with a lot of fighting.
6) A film that uses drawings.
IV. Fill in the words (romantic, funny, boring, action-packed, recommendation) in the film review. 
    Four Weddings and a Funeral is a----comedy. It stars Hugh Grant and Andie Mac Dowell. I thought the acting was very good. The scenes from the weddings were very----and I laught a lot. There is a lot of action in the comedy. In fact, it is the most----film I have seen recently. The ending isn't a surprise, but it is happy. My----is, go and see it. There's not a----moment in it. 

08.04. Екскурсія містом. Вивчення ЛО.   
1. Write the words into your vocabularies.
a guide book-путівник
to go sightseeing-оглядати визначні місця
to look round-оглядати
to get lost-загубитися
to go on a guided tour-їхати на екскурсію
2.Match the words with their meanings.(ex.1, p.159).
3. Choose the correct word.(ex.2, p.154).
4. Fill in the gaps.(ex.3, p.154).
5. Ask and answer the questions.(ex.4, p.154).
6. Correct the mistakes. (WB ex.1, p.84).     

10.04.Визначні місця Лондона. 
1.Watch the presentation. https://youtu.be/d4hYasLIt7k
2. Read the text.(ex.1, p.155-157)
3.Mark the sentences true(T) or false(F)Ex.2, p.157.
4. Match each landmark with the picture.(WB ex.2, p.85)

14.04. Визначні місця Києва. 
1. Watch the presentation.https://youtu.be/o7cnxQTm7mE )
2. Read and translate the text. (ex.3b, p.158)
3. Match the sentences true(T), false(F). ex.3a, p.158
4. Complete the sentences. (ex.5, p.161)

15.04. Визначні місця Лондона. Past Simple, Past Perfect.
1. Fill in the words from the box. (ex.4, p.161)
2. Answer the questions. (WB ex.3, p.85)
3. Match the statements true or false. (WB ex.8, p.89)
4. Read grammar.( Past Simple p.203, Past Perfect p.205)
5. Complete the sentences using Past Simple, Past Perfect. (ex.1b, p.165)

17.04. Британський музей.
1. Enjoy an excursion to the British Museum. https://youtu.be/u04g-pHLPnM
2. Complete the text with the words from the box.(WB ex.9, p.90)
3. Ask 7 questions to the text.
4. Fill in the gaps using Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets.
1) I----(turn off) the lights when the telephone----(ring).
2) I----(buy) a new camera before I-----(go) to London.
3) They---- (leave) the room before the meeting----- (finish).
4) When Emily-----(arrive) at the party John-----already-----(go) home.
5) After he-----(work) at the hospital for two years he----(decide) to give up the job.
6) We----(worry) a lot about her before we-----(hear) that she was safe.

21.04. Найвідоміші мости України, Америки, Англії.
1.Watch the videos: 1) https://youtu.be/Cte9IGyCZf8 ;
                           2) https://youtu.be/WKphjf3VZhA ;
                           3)https://factsforkids.co/tower-bridge-facts-for-kids/ ;
                          4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paton_Bridge
2. Read and match. (ex.4, p.168)
3.Say what bridge each sentence refers to. (ex.4b, p.169)

22.04. Театр Шекспіра. Часи дієслова.
1. Read interesting facts about the Globe Theatre. https://www.nosweatshakespeare.com/resources/shakespeares-theatres/globe-theatre-facts/
2. Fill in the gaps. (ex.3, p.173)
3. Make the right choice. (ex.3, p.166)
4. Complete using Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past Continuous of the verbs. (ex.4, p.166)

24.04. Життя в Лондоні . Самостійна робота.
1. Answer the questions . (ex.1,p.167) .
2. Which places have Mary and Chris visited .(ex.2a ,p.167) .
3. Complete the sentences (ex.1,p.172).
4. Listen and choose the right answer (ex.2,p.172) .https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwXhjtj9eqT4NnVGdVdMY0kzeW8 
5. Write about any London sight you like the most .
Самостійні і контрольні роботи пересилайте на електронну пошту : teachernatalya@ukr.net
Вказуйте  ім'я , прізвище , клас

28.04. Подорожуємо містом. Підсумковий урок.
1. Пригадайте визначні місця Лондона. https://youtu.be/ucty6RoX2Y
2. Проведіть екскурсію Лондоном, підставляючи визначні місця.(WB ex.9, p.90)
3. Доповніть текст дієсловами. (WB ex.12, p.94)
4. Доповніть речення дієсловами у Past Perfect, Past Simple.
1) My uncle (not try) Italian food before he (go) to that restaurant.
2) Mrs. Wilkinson (refuse) to drive the car because she (have) a terrible accident a year ago.
3) Pamela (get fainted) by the time the ambulance (reach) the hospital.
4) Mr.Palmer (not speak) any Chinese before he (move) to Peking.
5) Darsey (see) this castle before she (come) again last Sunday.
6) When the rain (start), the Atkinsons (finish) planting trees.

29.04. Подорож до Австралії. Аудіювання.
1.Готуєте текст на говоріння. ст.151/155-157/124-125/111.
2. Read the presentation. https://www.slideshare.net/parramiss/australia-presentation-11593615
3. Listen and point the mentioned places on the map. (ex.1a, p.162)
4. Listen again and answer the questions. Use the words from the box. (ex.1b, p.162)
5. Write a postcard from Australia. Use the questions as a plan. (ex.2, p.163)

05.05.На канікулах у Лондоні. Вдосконалення аудіювання.
1. Which continent is each capital in? (WB ex.4, p.86)
2. Match the capitals to the countries. (WB ex.5, p.86)
3. Listen and number the places in the order they are mentioned. (ex.3, p.163)
4. Listen again and complete the sentences. (ex.4, p.164)

06.05. Визначні місця Нью Йорка 
1. Visit New York . https://youtu.be/vA3OuEd4e1c
2. Read and complete . (WB ex.15 p.98 ).
3. Answer the  questions . (WB ex.16 ,p.98) .
4. Correct the mistakes .(WB ex.17 ,p.99) .
5. Do New York quiz . (WB ex.14 ,p.97) .

08.05. У Нью Йорку. Діалогічне мовлення.
1.Говоріння знімаєте на відео і закидаєте на електронну пошту. teachernatalya@ukr.net!!!
2. Read the dialogues. Write out the places of interest Nick will visit in New York. (ex.7, p.169-170)
3. Read the texts and match the columns. (WB ex.18, p.100)
4 Read the postcard. (ex.1, p.171)
5. Write your own postcard from New York.

12.05. Театр "Глобус у Лондоні". Вдосконалення аудіювання.
1. Visit Shakespeare's Globe. https://youtu.be/95ec5xtt6Hs
2. Listen and fill in the gaps. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwXhjtj9eqT4NF9FdnJKazI1TDg
(ex. 3, p.173)
3. Ask 7 questions to the text.
4. Choose the sight in London and present it.( a project, a presentation)

13.05. Канікули за кордоном.
1. Look and find the places on the map. (WB ex.13, p.95)
2. Read about holiday destinations and match them with the places. (WB p.96)
3. Complete with the words from the box. (WB ex.19, p.101)
4. Choose the correct ending. (WB ex.6, p.87)

15.05. Враження від переглянутого фільму . 
1. Revise types of films .. https://youtu.be/fyCmFYQJ_7k
2. Read the text and answer the questions . (ex.5a ,p.174) .
3. Are these sentences true or false ? (ex.5b ,p.175).
4. Answer the questions .(ex.6,p.175).
5. Write a letter about your impressions of the film you enjoyed .

19.05. Past Simple or Past Perfect. Canada.
1. Revise grammar material. https://youtu.be/WGQcstYOhfs
2. Complete the sentences. Do 8 sentences. https://youtu.be/WGQcstYOhfs 
3. Read about Canada's attractions. (ex.11, p.177)
4. Write which one you'd like to visit and explain your choise.

20.05. Підсумкова контрольна робота. Контроль письма.
- Підпишіть подвійний листок :
English Final Test 
Kate Linn(своє)
Form 7
School of Lobachivka 
- Всередині запишіть дату повністю англійською 
                   Writing Comprehension Test
- Умову кожного завдання списуєте і виконуєте .
I. Write the type of film using the definition.
1. A film made by photographing some series of drawings.
2. A film with a lot of exciting events and adventures.
3. A film about people and events in the past.
4. An exciting film about crime and violence.
5. A film with a lot of singing and dancing.
6. A frightening film .
II. Match the expressions. Make up sentences.
a guide       sightseeing
an art          lost
to visit        photos
to go           book
to get          gallery
to take        museums
III. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns.
1. Robert made this T-shirt.... .
2. We helped... to some salad.
3. Emma, did you take the photo by...?
4. I wrote this poem... .
5. The lion can defend... .
6. Alice and Doris collected the stickers... .
IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense.
Use Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1.My aunt (say) she ...never (be) to London before.
2.He (remember) that he (leave) his phone at home.
3.She(write) that she (have) a good sightseeing
tour around London.
4.By the time we (arrive), the party (finish).
5.The robbers (run) away the bank when the policemen finally (arrive).
V. Write a composition.
1. The capital of Ukraine.
2. Places of interest of London.

22.05. Контроль читання.
1. Подвійний листок в лінійку підпишіть зверху.
     Olesia Malchyn (cвоє ім'я, прізвище)
      Form 7
      School of Lobachivka
2. Всередині запишіть дату і вид контролю.
   Reading Comprehension Test
3. Списуєте умову кожного завдання  .
I. Read the text and do the tasks.
Hello! My name is Alexander. I live in Ukraine. My family is large. I live
with my parents and grandparents. I've got two elder sisters Olga and Anna.
Now they are students of Kyiv University and they visit our place only on
holidays and some family occasions. Each Ukrainian family has its own
customs and traditions. Ours is not an exception. My parents are very
sociable and friendly people, so from time to time our house is full of
guests. Our favourite holidays are New Year, Christmas and Women's Day.
My mother thinks that at night of New Year's Eve the old year with all its
troubles leaves us forever and the New Year with all our hopes and
expectations knocks at our doors. On the eve of January the 7' we start
celebrating Christmas. It's a real ritual for ray grandparents. My granny
always gets ready for this religious holiday beforehand. On Sviat Vechir
we gather around the table for a holy supper of twelve symbolic dishes. We
are not allowed to start supper until the first star appears in the sky. We
begin our supper with the kutia (a dish of honey, poppy seeds and wheat
kernels boiled in pure rainwater). There are no meat and meat products on
our table. My granny is a wonderful cook, so we enjoy her varenyky,
holubtsi and desserts made from dried fruit and honey. After tasty supper
we go to bed. Early in the morning we go to church to take part in the
church service. When we come back home we give each other presents and
wish "Merry Christmas'". All boxes with the presents are located under
Christmas tree. It's a nice time when my sisters are at home and we've got a
lot of happy moments together.
1) Mark true or false.
1. Alexander has got two younger sisters.
2. His parents like communicating with people.
3. Their beloved holiday is Easter.
4. A holy supper contains twelve symbolic dishes.
5. The kutia is the main dish.

6. There are a lot of meat dishes on the table on Sviat Vechir.
7. The next day the family go to church.
8. All the presents are located in the wardrobe.
9. The sisters usually spend Christmas at home.
2) Answer the questions.
1. How many people are there in the boy's family?
2. Where do his sisters study?
3. What does the mother hope for in the new year?
5. What do the family do on Sviat Vechir?
6. What do the family do after the church service?

7. Why is Christmas beloved by the whole family?

26.05. Контроль навички аудіювання .
1. Подвійний листок в лінійку підпишіть зверху.
     Ann Smith (cвоє ім'я, прізвище)
      Form 7
      School of Lobachivka
2. Всередині запишіть дату і вид контролю.
   Listening Comprehension Test
3. Списуєте умову кожного завдання  .
4. Прослухайте текст і виконайте завдання .

Принести в школу до 12 години!!!

27.05. Контроль навички говоріння .
-Вивчені тексти розповідаєте на камеру , закидаєте на вайбер чи електронну адресу teachernatalya@ukr.net протягом дня !!!

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